Climate Scientist to Ratings Scientist: Matthew on his move to industry from a PhD in climate science

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Matthew Brady completed a PhD in Earth Sciences at Cambridge before moving to carbon credit ratings agency BeZero Carbon. There, he specialises in assessing the carbon integrity of Nature-based Solutions, helping organisations to make better climate decisions. Matthew discusses his time at Earth Sciences, and how it helped him with the move from academia into a start-up environment. Read more

Extending a helping hand to my past-self: how volunteering with Tutor The Nation has improved my outlook on my past and future

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MML finalist at Jesus College, Victoria, discusses her experience as a Volunteer Tutor and Cambridge Ambassador for Tutor The Nation, an educational charity working to tackle inequality in secondary education in England and Wales by providing free, student-led tutoring to pupils in partner schools across the UK.

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Quick Guide: The Industry Landscape of Med Tech and Health Tech

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Technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, and healthcare is no exception. From wearable devices that track our fitness, devices and apps to help us monitor our diet, to advanced imaging systems that diagnose diseases with unparalleled accuracy, med tech and health tech are reshaping how we understand, deliver, and receive care. Here, we dig deeper into what Med Tech and Health Tech are, discuss the industry landscape and highlight how you can explore this innovative space further at Cambridge. Read more

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